A Case Study in Class and Business Savvy: Victory Brewing Company Keeps Golden Monkey Flowing to Consumers Indefinitely / by Jonathan Hudson

The buzzwords of the burgeoning 2016 craft brewing industry mid-market are “unite”, “complement” and “evolve”.

It’s no secret the industry has dramatically changed over the course of our client’s, Victory Brewing Company, 20-year history. Much like in life, the middle is getting squeezed.

Never one to follow, Bill Covaleski and Ron Barchet set a 2016 trend by thoughtfully, and very strategically, creating a new way of operating a successful craft brewery. One in which they continue to make their great beer, employ the people who make the products and the culture so special and grow their beloved brand. In exchange, they get to collaborate, share ideas and move confidently and boldly into the future with like-minded craft brewers and industry folks with the same goals. (Namely, Phin and Sara DeMink of Southern Tier Brewing Company and John Coleman of Artisanal Brewing Ventures).

Personally, we like the idea of embracing change, fueling growth and collaborating with others.

As Victory celebrates their 20th anniversary and marches confidently into the next two decades we at FS raise our pint glasses in celebration and admiration. To Victory! Clearly you’ve been doing things right for the past 20 years and we look forward to what’s next.