Marketing in an Upside-Down World / by Lorraine Gimblett

Since mid-March, it has felt as though the world has turned upside down. The New York Times recently featured a powerful front page article, with the names of 1,000 of the over now 100,000 people who have died since the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19. Images of families in face masks, Zoom TV interviews and chefs demoing from their own kitchens are now familiar sights. 

While much has changed over the last two and a half months, consumers are turning toward mainstream media as a consistent, reliable, and trusted source of information. As communications professionals, we find hope in this renewed interest and trust in journalism.

As counties begin to reopen, restaurants need to ramp up marketing efforts to reach loyal customers, expand their audience, and push sales. During the pandemic, consumers opened emails and sought information from businesses in four categories: grocery, health care, hospitality, and finances. To leverage this interest, compelling and authentic content needs to be generated and distributed across earned media, social platforms, and email marketing campaigns to engage and expand restaurants’ customer bases.

Food Shelter has compiled a short guide to help restaurants reach consumers in a new marketing environment. Consumers are hungry for a sense of normalcy and comfort. While there are physical and financial challenges in reopening for dining, restaurants can fulfill the need for a sense of community, entertainment, and positive experiences.

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